…for it behooveth the great Creator that he suffereth himself to become subject unto man in the flesh, and die for all men, that all men might become subject unto him.
2 Nephi 9:5
Read in scriptures: http://bit.ly/29B0G9z
…for it behooveth the great Creator that he suffereth himself to become subject unto man in the flesh, and die for all men, that all men might become subject unto him.
2 Nephi 9:5
Read in scriptures: http://bit.ly/29B0G9z
Now this was the faith of these of whom I have spoken; they are young,...
And they were taught to walk humbly before the Lord; and they were also taught...
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…I did cry unto him and I did find peace to my soul. Alma 38:8...
For behold, I say unto you there be many things to come; and behold, there...
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