Ask to see others as He does—as His true sons and daughters with infinite and divine potential. Then act by loving, serving, and affirming their worth and potential as prompted.
—Michelle D. Craig
The talk:
Ask to see others as He does—as His true sons and daughters with infinite and divine potential. Then act by loving, serving, and affirming their worth and potential as prompted.
—Michelle D. Craig
The talk:
You have come from His presence to live on this earth for a season, to...
As you look to the book, you look to the Lord. —Gary E. Stevenson Read...
I invite all Church members, as well as our neighbors and friends of other faith...
We can feel enduring joy when our Savior and His gospel become the framework around...
Trust God and believe in good things to come. – Jeffrey R. Holland
If we are faithful, we can take great comfort in knowing that God will compensate...
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