Behold, I say unto you, go forth as I have commanded you; repent of all your sins; ask and ye shall receive; knock and it shall be opened unto you.
Doctrine & Covenants 49:26
Read in scriptures:
Photo by Yoann Boyer
Behold, I say unto you, go forth as I have commanded you; repent of all your sins; ask and ye shall receive; knock and it shall be opened unto you.
Doctrine & Covenants 49:26
Read in scriptures:
Photo by Yoann Boyer
…if you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life,...
And whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture,...
Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with...
…he that endureth in faith and doeth my will, the same shall overcome… Doctrine &...
Wherefore, beware lest ye are deceived; and that ye may not be deceived seek ye...
…Treasure these things up in your hearts, and let the solemnities of eternity rest upon...
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