Fear not, little children, for you are mine, and I have overcome the world, and you are of them that my Father hath given me;
Doctrine & Covenants 50:41
Read in scriptures: http://bit.ly/2hzom6j
Fear not, little children, for you are mine, and I have overcome the world, and you are of them that my Father hath given me;
Doctrine & Covenants 50:41
Read in scriptures: http://bit.ly/2hzom6j
But I have commanded you to bring up your children in light and truth. Doctrine...
Behold, now it is called today until the coming of the Son of Man, and...
Wherefore, lift up thy heart and rejoice, and cleave unto the covenants which thou hast...
Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men....
But my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved;… Doctrine &...
…I leave these sayings with you to ponder in your hearts, with this commandment which...
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