That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God.
Doctrine & Covenants 76:24
Read in scriptures:
Photo by Billy Huynh
That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God.
Doctrine & Covenants 76:24
Read in scriptures:
Photo by Billy Huynh
Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for...
Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great...
…warn, expound, exhort, and teach, and invite all to come unto Christ. Doctrine & Covenants...
…be faithful until I come, and ye shall be caught up, that where I am...
For if you will that I give unto you a place in the celestial world,...
…I leave these sayings with you to ponder in your hearts, with this commandment which...
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