…that ye might be sanctified from all sin, and enjoy the words of eternal life in this world, and eternal life in the world to come, even immortal glory;
Moses 6:59
Read in scriptures: http://bit.ly/2cDMTyP
…that ye might be sanctified from all sin, and enjoy the words of eternal life in this world, and eternal life in the world to come, even immortal glory;
Moses 6:59
Read in scriptures: http://bit.ly/2cDMTyP
Behold my Spirit is upon you, wherefore all thy words will I justify; and the...
Never did any passage of scripture come with more power to the heart of man...
And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever...
And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one...
And righteousness will I send down out of heaven; and truth will I send forth...
…I am Messiah, the King of Zion, the Rock of Heaven, which is broad as...
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