We have every reason to hope for blessings even greater than those we have already received because this is the work of Almighty God, this is the Church of continuing revelation, this is the gospel of Christ’s unlimited grace and benevolence. —Jeffrey R. Holland

We have every reason to hope for blessings even greater

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We have every reason to hope for blessings even greater than those we have already received because this is the work of Almighty God, this is the Church of continuing revelation, this is the gospel of Christ’s unlimited grace and benevolence.
—Jeffrey R. Holland

The talk: https://bit.ly/3hGxrDx

Photo by Josefa Holland-Merten

remember how merciful the Lord hath been ponder it in your hearts Moroni 10:3

Moroni 10:3

Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.
Moroni 10:3

Read in scriptures: https://bit.ly/3eqQWj7

Photo by lexie janney

What will happen as you more intentionally hear, hearken, and heed what the Savior has said and what He is saying now through His prophets? I promise that you will be blessed with additional power to deal with temptation, struggles, and weakness. I promise miracles in your marriage, family relationships, and daily work. And I promise that your capacity to feel joy will increase even if turbulence increases in your life. —Russell M. Nelson

What will happen as you more intentionally hear, hearken, and heed

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What will happen as you more intentionally hear, hearken, and heed what the Savior has said and what He is saying now through His prophets? I promise that you will be blessed with additional power to deal with temptation, struggles, and weakness. I promise miracles in your marriage, family relationships, and daily work. And I promise that your capacity to feel joy will increase even if turbulence increases in your life.
—Russell M. Nelson

The talk: https://bit.ly/2XzibC6