Times of affliction and disappointment do not change the watchful eye of the Lord as He favorably looks upon us, blessing us.
—Gary E. Stevenson
The talk: http://bit.ly/37yXo5Z
Photo by Ales Krivec
Times of affliction and disappointment do not change the watchful eye of the Lord as He favorably looks upon us, blessing us.
—Gary E. Stevenson
The talk: http://bit.ly/37yXo5Z
Photo by Ales Krivec
Keep on the covenant path. —Russell M. Nelson Read the talk: http://bit.ly/2AIWiKH Photo by Steve Halama
This love, known as charity, the pure love of Christ, is ours for the asking....
Our words about our fellow beings should reflect our belief in Jesus Christ and His...
Through the priesthood, the power of godliness is manifest in the lives of all who...
We have God’s assurance that, in the long view of eternity, opposition will not be...
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James Smith Edmond
thank you yeshua, (sje) thanks lds elders for Bible study.